Get To Know Us

GEPA South Sudan.

GEPA South Sudan was founded in 2015 with the philosophy of empowering individual beneficiary members to impact and transform the lives of their larger community counterparts. This was facilitated by a team of dedicated senior citizens predominantly women from different walks of life and ethnic groups- with the passion to strive for the inclusion of minority population and bring about sustainable social change. As an indigenous women-led national organization, we are legally registered under the nongovernmental organization act 2016 of the Republic of South Sudan by The Relief & Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) with a registration number 933.

To mobilize, engage and empower minorities through creating networks that will open opportunities, contribute to their sustainable livelihood, health and enable them to create positive identifiable impact in their communities.

GEPA South Sudan is steadfastly committed to the realization of sustainable change in our communities but the key four values remains at the center of our programs:
• Access
Ensuring that all people and communities have access to rights-based goods and services;
• Equity
Spearhead efforts to identify and eliminate societal barriers that obstruct marginalized/minority groups from participating fully in society;
• Rights
Protect the civil, economic, cultural, and social rights of all citizens in South Sudan.
• Participation for all
Providing platforms aimed at enabling those affected by rights-based/accessibility-related decisions in South Sudan to be more involved in related decision making processes.